Maria Rieradevall

(Illustrious College of Lawyers of Girona)

Maria Rieradevall y Tarrés, Collegiate Lawyer no. 2058 of the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Girona (ICAG) since July 1997, is the founder of the law firm. A graduate in Law from the Faculty of Legal-Economic Sciences at the University of Girona, she was coordinator and professor of IMMIGRATION LAW at the School of Legal Practice at the ICAG from 2000 to 2011.

She is currently a Professor of the Master of Access to Law organized by the University of Girona, the ICAG, the ICAF (Illustrious College of Lawyers of Ferrol) and the ICAV (Illustrious College of Lawyers of Valencia). She was a member of the Governing Board of the ICAG from 1999 to September 2005, during which time she was Chair of the ICAG. She was chair of the Immigration Sub-committee from 2000 to January 2012. She has spoken on several laws in the Senate as a spokesperson for the Justice Commission during the 10th Legislature (2011-2015).

Advice, guidance and representation

Advice, guidance and/or representation of clients before the Administration:

Immigration Office of the Provincial Government, National Police Commissariats, Department of Employment, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Ministry of Justice for applications for Spanish Nationality.

Representation of clients before the Contentious-Administrative Courts, Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia, Superior Court of Justice of Madrid - denials of visas - and National Court of Spain - denials of applications for nationality.